Planning, Research and Organizational Development
SAS 339
(530) 893-7536
Committee Structure
There are a variety of groups and committees that provide pathways for participation in college governance and processes. These constituent groups (represent their constituencies), college committees (coordinate college-wid functions), area operational committees (coordinate functions under the purview of a Vice President).
Committees and Groups with Role Codes:
Boards | |
Constituency Groups | |
College Groups and Committees | |
Group and Committee Function Role Codes
Definition of "Academic and Professional Matters" (A): These groups or committees are so noted because they participate in one or more of the eleven categories denoting academic and professional matters that are under the purview of the Academic Senate.
Definition of "General Participatory Governance" (G): Any group identified as a non-academic governance group or committee is so noted because of its participatory role in providing input, general advice, and recommendations to the District.
Definition of "Operational" (O): Any group identified as an operational body is so noted because it monitors and makes recommendations on the processes and activities involved in the day-to-day operation of the college.
Definition of "Professional" (P): Any group identified as a professional committee or group is so noted because it is composed of individuals who participate because of common job assignments and/or professional orientations. A dues structure is often, but not necessarily, a feature of such a group.
Definition of "Input" (I): Any group that provides advice to college decision-makers.
Definition of "Community Input" (CI): Any group that provides advice to college programs from the perspective of the businesses, clients, or community that the program serves.
Other Groups and Committees: In addition to the committees and groups listed, there are always a number of temporary "ad hoc" groups in existence at any one time.